What we can do for you

Courses and trainings

We provide coaching and materials to help perfect your practice to world level standards. Scripts, manuals and trainings, from online workshops to real open days in the # 1 clinic in the world. Experience personalized VIP services at your own practice.

Services provided by Labs1503


The world largest provider of clear aligner therapy for the fifth year in a row.

10 000+

More than 10 000 patients treated in our own practice.


Treatment plans prepared by our team every month globaly.

Immersion day

Seeing is believing! Spend a day in the most successful clear aligner practice in the world.
Dive into our knowledge and see how it all works in real life.


Immersion VIP

From 50-500 we will implement proven successful clear aligner practices into your clinic.

1503 Webinar

The essential webinar starter pack for all new doctors, focusing on top practice management.